As I've written about before, the honey bee pollen in the Power Pac is powerful stuff! But different people react differently to it.
It is not that the honey bee pollen causes an allergic reaction - quite the contrary: it can actually help reduce allergies. The reason that some people react to taking it is because it starts to detoxify the body fairly quickly and that can lead to various reactions, like a minor rash breakout or an upset stomach .
To prevent that from happening by giving your body time to get used to it, start by taking only 1/4 of a tablet each time for a few days. Always take it about 30 minutes before a meal and take it with a full glass (8 oz) of water.
If you don't have any reactions by the 3rd day, increase the dosage to 1/2 of a tablet. Wait a day or so and then go to a full tablet. Take 30 minutes before a meal and with a full glass of water.
Don't expect to feel totally well overnight. Remember: the state of health you are today is the result of probably years of "work" :-) Don't expect to change it in a day! Take both the Honey Bee Pollen and the Chlorella for 3 months to start to see very noticeable changes. It takes that long to detoxify your body and reverse the damage you've done over time.
Then, enjoy your new health and energy and stamina and....
When your friends or family ask you what happened? Tell them about the Power Pac and help them, too. Better yet, join our team and tell lots of people and get paid really well for doing it. Take a look at the page called Money for Honey for more details.
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