Chlorella is an all natural, whole food. It is a microscopic, green single-cell, freshwater micro-algae which is a rich source of many nutrients that are beneficial to our diet.
Chlorella helps to remove toxins and energizes your body. Compared to other whole foods, it contains the highest amounts of chlorophyll, beta-carotene and RNA/DNA nucleic acids. It also contains more than 20 vitamins and mineral, 45 proteins, 18 amino acids, plus omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated, fatty acids.
Chlorella is often hailed as the best cleanser of the body. It is about the size of a red blood cell, but one of the greatest foods found in nature. Scientists have still not unraveled all its mysteries.
This simple algae has been used to boost performance of the immune system and to fight infections. In increases the good bacterial in the GI tract and helps ulcers, colitis, diverticulosis, and Chron’s Disease.
In Japan, it is used as a treatment for duodenal ulcers, gastritis, hypertension, diabetes, hypoglycemia, asthma and constipation.
Very importantly to today’s world: Chlorella is used as an adjunct in cancer therapy to remove radioactive particles from the body after radiation.
In animal studies, Chlorella removes cholesterol and toxic chemicals such as dioxins.
It is also great for people suffering from stress, arthritis, chronic fatigue depression, poor circulation and/or high blood pressure. It is also an excellent blood builder.
Ounce per ounce, Chlorella offers six times more Beta-Carotene than spinach, contains more dietary fiber than leading fruits and vegetables, and contains more complete protein than soy and twice as much as steak.
The high nucleic acid content slows down signs of visible aging and contains 50 times the antioxidants of Vitamins C and E.
The world’s highest concentrations of chlorophyll and a powerful blood detoxifier and toxin eradicator are key properties of Chlorella. In addition, it has an amazing growth factor that revitalizes cells and keeps them younger.
Chlorella removes hazardous chemicals such as:
PCB, a major pollutant found in pesticides and herbicides used in growing your food supply!
Heavy Metals such as cadmium, lead and copper
Mercury – it sweeps it from the bowel and the cells of the body
This amazing life giving food is available with the other super food, Bee Pollen, in our Power Pac.